Saturday, August 9, 2014


Pursuing an Unfaithful Wife

Hosea 2:14–23 is one of the most tender and most beautiful love songs in the Bible. It is sung by God to his unfaithful wife, Israel. But before we look at it, skip over to chapter 3. Here we see Hosea and Gomer for the last time. She has run off and lives now with a paramour, a "significant other." So Hosea is free, right? Now he can get a divorce. She has ended the marriage once and for all. She has another man. Hosea is free. Right? Wrong! God would not give up on Israel, and he aims for Hosea to symbolize his undying love to his wife of harlotry. Verse 1: "The Lord said to me, 'Go again and love a woman who is beloved of a paramour and is an adulteress; even as the Lord loves the people of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins.' So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley." When you think a moment on what God asked Hosea to do here, you get a glimpse into what God's love for us in our wretchedness is like.
I am thankful that God took pity on me and rescued me despite my unfaithfulness. 

By John Piper. Taken from:

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